Hello there and welcome back to another article in our “Meet a Making Senser” post series. It’s been a while since the last teammate interview, but this is because we’ve been preparing something special for you. If you are here, you will be delighted with the first of a new video series.

Introducing Mariano

Mariano joined our team 8 years ago to collaborate with our IT team, but early in his career his passion for the tech world and business pushed him to make his first steps into the software development world. As soon as he had put a step into QA’s field, he never stopped learning and building an amazing career.

His background in industrial engineering and software programming was a call for him to turn his career towards the development side of things, for then realizing what he enjoys the most is to help businesses to materialize their ideas into innovative products.

Now, he’s a member of the Discovery team for creating digital solutions and helping our partners in their product development journey. He combines the best of product and project management in order to create successful business stories.

Well, let’s stop speaking for him, and let Mariano tell us his story at Making Sense!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this video as much as we did recording it! If you want to know more about Mariano, connect with him at LinkedIn.