On October 26th, Doppler hosted the third “EMail Marketing Made Simple,” an email marketing event in Buenos Aires.
EMail Marketing Made Simple (EMMS) has been presented by Doppler every year since 2008. Doppler is an affordable and trusted email marketing application powered by Common Sense, that provides professional, user-friendly email campaign solutions. EMMS is a free event and anyone can register to attend. This year the sessions were about various interesting subjects:
- The Country Manager Alejandro Aguilera talked about Social Email Marketing. He emphasized the close integration that is taking place between email marketing and social media.
- Alberto Teszkiewicz presented on predictive marketing, a tool primarily used for banks, but that can also be used for any type of business.
- Franco Carrera, Common Sense’s Graphic Designer, explained how design and conversion can work together strategically.
- Last but not least, Doppler’s General Manager Jonathan Baldovino and Socialmetrix’s Juan Damia analyzed the event’s communications and its presence in social media.
All the presentations (in Spanish) can be watched or downloaded on the EMMS site.