The pendulum has swung back and forth at full speed over the past two years. With the acceleration of digital transformation, the number of companies needing to build software products and manage new technologies has multiplied. The demand for digitally skilled talent has reached historical peaks, revealing a notable shortage. And remote work made many global organizations turn their eyes to Latin America: well-trained resources, cultural similarities compared to other more geographically distant markets (such as Asia), know-how, a reasonable time difference gap, and proven expertise in new technologies are some of the virtues of professionals in this region.

Competition for human resources has intensified, and initiatives like those at Making Sense began to emerge: designing training proposals, stimulating people’s eagerness to learn, and thus increasing the available talent base.

The youngest, the most experienced

There are two distinct strategies. The first consists of reaching junior university students and training them in technologies that will be demanded in the coming years, from Python to manual and automatic quality assurance (QA), including the backend. We also ensure that there are people who know how to work with user experience (UX) from scratch. We provide them with the tools and help them gain understanding.

For the second strategy, the target group is people over 40: experienced people who have worked in other markets or industries, have used older technologies, and have the opportunity to modernize and give a new twist to their careers. These people understand the business very well, are highly committed, and do very well in writing code and testing areas.

Combining these two aspects helps us build solid and balanced teams.

Turnover: the inevitable consequence

Employee turnover is currently at an unprecedented rate in history, to the point that the phenomenon is called The Great Resignation. And it is seen as the main barrier to building talent. Many companies are afraid to invest in people who will later put that knowledge to work for the benefit of other organizations. It is estimated that 50% of employees will leave their jobs within the first two years.

So here is my “unpopular opinion”: the best thing that can happen to us at Making Sense is that people we train evolve to the point where they are coveted and are offered many job opportunities. First, because our policy is focused on people’s growth. And second, because in this training process, we pass on part of our DNA to them. We also know that, regardless of the twists and turns of their career path, they will always like to come back – our doors are always open – or to help them with a specific project wherever they are.

At the same time, we are committed to creating a warm and comfortable working environment so that people want to stay. It has been proven that the desire to stay grows as years go by. People develop a sense of belonging, feel part of the team, are comfortable working, and trust in the organization’s support and the projects assigned.

The challenges ahead

But as we said, the pendulum is still swinging. In the second half of 2022, the market winds changed: economic variables suffered strong contractions globally, the war in Ukraine changed priorities, and product development companies found it difficult to finance themselves or attract investors. Some digital companies and big employers have engaged in a reshuffling process. The tectonic plates are in full movement. And when they finally settle, the usual will happen: there will be many opportunities and challenges.

That’s why we are preparing for strong growth in 2023: strong leadership, a focus on UX to ensure more efficient, easier-to-use products with the best possible results, and, most importantly, teams with everything needed to provide what customers need to grow their business.