Nowadays, the term ‘technology-driven company’ is often used but if we pause for a second, what does this expression actually mean? What is the driving force behind it really about? Does working with tech just imply adopting the latest software or does it go much deeper than that?
Understanding what’s at the core of a technology-driven company is essential for those who want to lead their industry, innovate around the clock, and adapt to the constantly changing market.
In doing so we will get rid of common misconceptions and highlight why this is more than just a trendy expression. Because being a technology driven company is more so a key strategy to outperform the rest and increase value creation by allowing businesses to streamline operations, increase efficiency, productivity, and return on investments (ROI).
Just like we witnessed in the recent Olympic Games, those who are in the know and work harder are on top. Join us at Making Sense and let’s set business world records!🥇

What is (and what is not) a technology-driven company

To start off with, it’s important to understand what makes or breaks a technology DRIVEN company. A ‘tech-company’ depends on technology at its core, and instead, a ‘technology-driven company’ uses tech as a driving force for business. Let’s look at the following table for a better understanding:

✅What IS a technology driven company

❌What is NOT a technology driven company

Core operations rely on technology

Technology merely provides support

Innovation is constant and continuous

Innovation is limited

Decision making is data-driven

Decisions are gut-driven

Customer experienced is tech centered

Customer experience is traditional

Business is agile and scalable

Business is rigid and slow to adapt


Within technology-driven organizations, a company recognizes that its strategy and vision cannot be executed without technology leading the way in contributing holistically to all departments

How does being a technology-driven company increase its valuation?

As we’ve seen, a tech-driven company is one that relies on technology as the backbone of its operations, using it to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and make data-informed decisions to stay competitive. By embracing technological advancements, companies can significantly enhance their value. Here are the key areas where innovation makes a substantial impact:

  • Revenue Growth: Incorporating cutting-edge tech tends to lead to increased efficiency, cost savings, and the creation of new revenue streams.
  • Market Share: Companies that adopt new technologies first often gain a reputation as innovators, attracting more interest from investors and potential buyers. 
  • Strategic Synergies: Higher acquisition offers can be stimulated because of the potential synergies that can arise – acquiring a company with advanced tech can enable the buyer to improve their own offerings, reduce development costs, and improve its positioning​.
  • Intellectual Property: Technology can result in the creation of valuable intellectual property (IP), which adds to a company’s assets.

How can Making Sense make this a reality?

In this current market of constant innovations and elevated competition, at Making Sense we pride ourselves in our unique approach to assist companies in their search of being tech-driven and enable them to outshine others. 

That’s how we partnered with the largest U.S. health insurance management company that offers affordable, customized health benefits to students and top-tier plan administration to universities nationwide.

The business required a tech platform to automate and systematize all processes, enhance and improve productivity and decrease human error.  Together we achieved the goal with amazing results:

  • A user-focused HIIPA-Compliant solution.
  • Highly intuitive user experiences.
  • Over 230 institutions and users of higher education.
  • Presence in 50 US states.

At Making Sense we are the ideal tech partner because we:

  • Break frontiers of innovation.
  • Provide customized services.
  • Have a holistic outlook.
  • And develop long-term partnerships.

With over 20 years of experience, we help your company exceed its goals. Partner with us to drive innovation, be technology driven and achieve lasting success.  

Just like the top olympic athletes, let’s win those business medals and set world records! ⭐