When delving into the intricate world of technology, quality assurance is of course a vital component. So important in fact, that over the years and more so recently, the quality testing process itself has transformed and evolved. 

Initially, as we know, product testing was a fixed module that had a determined moment in time in which it was put in place. Now, for those enterprises truly searching for the ultimate results, such testing is done continuously, throughout the software development journey, under the name of ‘Shift left testing’. 

This continuous practical and analytical process aims to not only solve problems and errors that might arise, but also looks to anticipate and even predict possible mistakes that clients might not have even thought of themselves. 

That, along with Devops integration, are both elements that distinguish the good from the brilliant, the hard workers from the smart, hardworking ones and, the great from the outstanding. And that is what we will be delving into today. 

If done otherwise, problems become more expensive and harder to find & fix. So, let’s not only aim to understand these strategies further, but also master how they increment company valuation and how this can bring unforeseen benefits to mid-market enterprises, as well as portfolio companies led by Private Equity investors. 

Since not just anyone perfects these expertise, let alone to the level achieved at Making Sense, it makes us the unequivocal tech partner on such a mission to enhance the valuation of your company through these techniques. Time is money, of course, so let’s begin!

What exactly sets ‘Shift left testing and Devops integration’ apart?

As stated, quality assurance has been around for a while, but both ‘Shift left testing (SLT) and Devops integration (DI)’ are newcomers within the sector that are here to break through and revolutionize what was previously even thought possible. This is because one of their key differentiators, more so at Making Sense, is bringing in the ‘human quality’ or the ‘human factor’.

In other words, a priority for those of us who dedicate our work to ‘thinking ahead’, is to put ourselves in other’s shoes and thus anticipate what the user experience will be for the person on the other side when utilizing our generated systems. 

Therefore, we don’t just aim for the specific program to ‘function’, but rather to forecast how to make the Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) as pleasant as possible.

💡Specialist insight: 

One of the aspects of my work I most enjoy is being able to interpret, ahead of time, what the client wants without knowing, as well as fix problems that could arise in advance, as to deliver the most fruitful user experience possible. If the client is happy and the user has a positive run-through with the program, I’ve done my job!

Hence it is clear: in the past, quality testing occurred after software development. As we can observe below, the current game changer is that from now on, Quality Assurance begins on day ONE of that creation process. Doubts and difficulties are faced and solved as soon as possible, instead of waiting for them to be dealt with near the finish line.

Graphic shift-left testing

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/shift-left-testing-revolutionizing-quality-assurance-software/

In addition, what ‘DevOps integration’ specifically refers to is that, historically, each sector kept to itself. For example, developers only focused on coding and testers only checked if the software worked. Now, DevOps is located at the center of all steps of the working pipeline.
By incorporating not only constant but also intersectoral testing, components breaking at any moment in time are avoided, such as when uploading information or regarding overall cybersecurity, just to name a few.

SLT and DI make a difference and provide incredible operational results such as:

Early Issue Identification: Identifying problems earlier in the development process, shrinking costs and work time.

Improved Quality: Continuous testing that guarantees higher software quality throughout development.

Faster Time-to-Market: Expediting the execution of updates and new features with streamlined processes.

Cost Efficiency: Minimizing expenses associated to rework and upkeep.

Increased Efficiency: Optimizing workflows and resource allocation.

And don’t miss out, further below we will also be looking at the strategic benefits these strategies have to offer.

How to uniquely master the offering and delivery of these services

As in anything in life and business, not just anyone can do everything. There are cues crucial in outdoing competitors and outshining the rest. Making Sense is proud of its abilities as a tech partner, having not only mastered these techniques but also taking companies to the next level in their valuation and, in turn, in revenue creation. This applies to both mid-market organizations as well as Private Equity investors who are seeking portfolio growth. 

To succeed in these aspirations our biggest differentiator are our leading specialists, who are not only hard working and extremely qualified, but who work closely together throughout the QA process as a truly cohesive team. 

All sectors are involved in a unified manner, breaking barriers and mastering the agile methodology like no one else out there! Because one thing is clear: QA not only assures quality but also has vital repercussions on a company’s reputation and its valuation. 

So, what are the essential differentiating factors when perfecting ‘Shift left testing and DevOps integration’?

✔️Integrating both techniques: This represents a profound paradigm shift where QA is now not only continuous but also fully blended.

✔️This principle is based on one of our core beliefs: ‘The sooner you break it, the sooner you can fix it’.

✔️They require a collaborative team effort: For true success, all sectors must always work closely together.

For all these reasons it is vital that QA be involved from the early stages, and at all times, keeping a close eye on the definition of requirements, and maintaining ongoing communication about all things related to the project.  Additionally, we also advise incorporating automation early, keeping in mind the contribution of DevOps to keep the pipeline updated whilst running the tests and deploying in each merge (CICD).

All in all, Shift-Left Testing represents a radical change in the manner software quality is guaranteed. By combining testing activities throughout the development lifecycle, DevOps teams can now deliver high-quality software faster and more efficiently. 

As Larry Smith, the man who coined the term ‘Shift Left Testing’ once said: “Test early and often”

Therefore, alongside the operational benefits mentioned earlier, check out the strategic benefits of the foresight and unrivaled dedication that Shift Left Testing and Devops Integration provide:

🟢Enhanced Collaboration: Encouraged teamwork among development, operations, and QA teams.

🟢Increased Agility: Quick reactions to changes and customer feedback.

🟢Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Delivery of upgraded user experiences and satisfaction.

🟢Business Growth: Improved company reputation, competitiveness, and profitability.

🟢Value Addition: Augmented product value and market competitiveness.

Inevitably, the advantages of implementing such services, which Making Sense prides itself in excelling in, are indisputable. 

Before sharing up next the details of our chosen case study to exemplify in further detail what we have been discussing, we want to highlight how pleasantly surprised the leading health company we worked with was with the amount of customized testing our team made sure to deliver throughout our QA approach. 

Moreover, the organization emphasized how this continuous testing anticipated unthought of errors and brought about new ideas that hadn’t been thought of by them beforehand. Inevitably the results speak for themselves: not only was quality assured, but surpassed!

Case Study: Making Sense partnered with a premier clinical data technology company that pushes forward greater health by spearheading the potential of medical records to solve unique complexities and escalate health data in unprecedented ways!

The business desperately needed to modernize and rewrite one of their leading apps used by 3 out of 5 US hospitals and over 16000 physicians, since they were facing the following challenges: 

⬇️ Product growth delays

⬇️ Operator efficiency backlock 

⬇️ Outdated management

⬇️ Obsolete processing of patient records

And that’s precisely when Making Sense stepped in! As the chosen unmatchable tech partners, the goal was to guide the enterprise in the modernization process of one of that crucial app!

Curious about the results? They were truly remarkable!

🎯New ways of scanning and processing documents

🎯Cutting down manual data processing

🎯Optimizing data protection.

🎯Improved user activity reporting plus UX flow enhancements!

Share with us your unmatched software aspirations and let’s reach new heights together! 

We look forward to assisting you every step of the way. Contact us at hello@makingsense.com.