In today’s landscape, where adept utilization of technology is crucial for survival and future market leadership, Making Sense introduces its Maturity Framework—a pivotal instrument for elevating technology within organizations to unprecedented levels and unlocking growth opportunities.

Framework Overview

This structured model evaluates an organization’s current technological stance in technology adoption or decision-making. The Maturity Framework is a comprehensive diagnosis of the organization’s technological adaptation, illuminating strengths and avenues for tools, processes, and innovation enhancement—key components that augment a company’s capital value. These insights pave the way for devising strategies for mid-size companies and part of Private Equity’s portfolios to boost technological maturity indicators, drive commercial initiatives surpassing mere Product vs. Quality dynamics, and enhance bottom-line results, ultimately leading to substantial improvements in EBITDA.

Key Questions Addressed

When talking with operating partners managing multiple companies at once, we frequently see the need to answer a set of questions such as:
-What is the current state of this company’s technology infrastructure?
– How well prepared is the team to take on new technology challenges?
– How can we efficiently drive operational improvements across the portfolio?
– Ultimately, how can we leverage technology for value creation for our companies?

For these compelling questions, our Maturity Framework stands out. Backed by our decades of crafting and executing technological solutions, this approach offers a reliable pathway to value creation by leveraging the transformative potential of technology.

Private Equity firms can comprehensively understand the company’s technology landscape and develop informed strategies for creating value and mitigating risks.

Tech Maturity Framework Components

As an indispensable business management tool, Making Sense’s “Maturity Framework” encompasses:

  • Evaluation and comprehension of technological maturity across various domains including infrastructure, software development, and cybersecurity providing a holistic understanding of the company’s technology landscape.
  • Identification of disparities between current and desired technological states, facilitating prioritization of improvement areas to allow the company to focus resources and efforts on areas that offer the greatest potential for improvement.
  • Formulation of objectives and strategies to optimize technological maturity across short-, medium-, and long-term horizons ensuring that technology initiatives align with the company’s overall vision and goals and promoting sustained improvement over time.
  • Informed decision-making on technology investments, resource allocation, and prioritization to level up operational efficiency.
  • Establishment of consistency and efficiency in technological solution implementations that facilitates the creation of standardized processes, guidelines, and best practices for technology implementation.

A Starting Point

The evaluation process typically ranges from two to four weeks. For the report, we scrutinized eight fundamental criteria: digital infrastructure status, software development proficiency (encompassing product creation, management, and intellectual property protection), data utilization for informed decision-making, adoption of innovations and emerging technologies, staff technical expertise, customer experience, agility and adaptability, and cybersecurity metrics.

Fruitful Opportunities Within Reach

Understanding an organization’s technological maturity is strategic—it serves as the springboard for pinpointing weaknesses or identifying low-hanging fruit, facilitating quick wins through pragmatic initiatives.

More crucialy, it unveils opportunities capable of propelling the companies inside Private Equity portfolios to new heights, enabling digitization, optimization, and value extraction from your technology landscape.

At Making Sense, we stand ready to guide your organization toward digital maturity leadership, where technology becomes intrinsic to its DNA, setting industry benchmarks and continually garnering competitive advantages through innovation, with a clear focus on value creation.