
Making work a healthy life experience!

Sports, recreation, and healthy eating contribute to a positive lifestyle. It is for this reason that Making Sense believes it is important for its employees to make work a healthy life experience!

Taking a comprehensive approach to promoting health and wellness at the work environment Making Sense has invited its employees to participate in different activities! An example of this is the recently launched contest “Win a dryfit T-shirt.” The contest main goal was to encourage Making Sense employees to take a picture while doing a physical or recreational activity to participate in a raffle and win a dryfit T-shirt.

Did it work? The contest was a real success! Check out all the pictures MakingSensers shared with us! Many employees took the contest as an opportunity to play a sport or do a recreational activity they had not done in a very long time! We received tons of photos that showed our employees playing soccer with their friends, skating, and even kayaking in the river! In order to make the contest a more engaging one, some of our employees volunteered to record videos engaging other MakingSensers to play sports and practice athletics. Our CPO at Making Sense, Nacho Caldentey, recorded a great video of one of his races and provided useful tips on how to participate of different running events.

Are you healthy enough?

Another way to encourage employees to live a healthy lifestyle inside and outside work is to keep them informed. In Making Sense we take this very seriously. We, as a company, believe that taking the time to provide health information and resources is key to help our team make healthy lifestyle choices and to achieve and maintain good health.

Being on the go and not having a lot of time has led hundreds of people to stop taking the time to eat properly. In Making Sense we want to make sure that everyone at the office has time to eat and eat healthy! Every day, all members of our team sit down together sharing smiles, conversations, and jokes while eating their healthy lunch. For the past years, Making Sense has provided different lunch menu options including light meals and vegetarian ones to its team. As a company we know that getting your energy from healthy foods will help you perform better throughout the entire day. This is why most of our daily lunch menus include lots of fresh vegetables and a variety of fruits are always present in our refrigerator!

Parks, gardens and open spaces matter!

Do you enjoy outdoor activities enough? Parks and open spaces are integral to our quality of life. Green spaces are very important for our health and in Making Sense we certainly know it. The beautiful green and flower internal garden in our office at Mar del Plata is an example of the benefits and importance of having open spaces at work. The garden has been and is until today, space for joyful afternoons where our team can interact and take some fresh air while listening to the running water of our garden fountain.

Also, as an initiative to play sports, employees at Making Sense have organized a soccer tournament. Every Thursday after office our team changes its clothes to go out on the field and play soccer together! For an entire hour, Making Sense’s developers, help desk assistants, directors and many other members of our different areas share a great and healthy activity as a unity.

So, are you ready to live a healthy lifestyle and leave your couch potato days behind? Just think about it. What better place to do this than work? We are always looking for new talents to join our team! If you are a developer, QA, designer, or love creating content for marketing posts, please send us your CV to careers@makingsense.com